Sunday, June 26, 2011

mostly perugia and a dash of assisi

we took a weekend trip (big surprise eh) to perugia and assisi. it was great fun. we went to the perugia chocolate factory, they produce baci chocolates and such--it was an excellent decision.


the girls whom i dearly love. we shared laughs, quotes of the italian bimbo and free sample. lots and lots of free samples:)

Photobucket Photobucket
a few of the many free samples the bimbo "questa frabbrica e' bellissima"
a beautiful view and i'm not talking about the back of liz's head becasue that is ridiculous.

an italian family out for a passeggiata

perugia was a super fun trip, especially since we had an italian guide by the name of paolo--one of margarets friends and a student at the unvi-- he was quite the character. we were supposed to go to a discoteca but he couldnt find one, howevere we were endlessly entertained by his mannerisms and philosophy on women. hehe. i heart him and his overly used gestures.

and a dash of assisi.....really it was a dash we spent twenty minuets. for serious.

bwahahahaha. reminds me of a certain calendar i once saw and almost purchased.

why so sad?

it was a little windy.

1 comment:

  1. I love you dearly! And I love that windy photo in Assisi. ohhhh Assisi. It was really's all just a blur in my mind though.
