i woke up and listened to a tape made by my besties ie alexi, alexis, kj, celine and eliza (if you were on the tape and not named im sorry, part of the tape was inaudible becasue it was recored on fast forward or something and i couldnt figure out how to slow it down). it was a great way to start the morning: best friends bashing you and talking about how amazing you are. a few things ladies: i like how ALL of you commented on my out of control hair, obsessions with men and one man in particular, and hands. also lex and celine i appreciate the play by play of the door step scene that you were witnessing. felt like i was there. and kj said and i quote, "you are one of the funniest people i have ever met" end quote. thanks ladies. i love you and that tape made my birthday ohsomuchmore better.
[there would be a picture here of me listening to the tape, but i looked really gross in all of them so i wont subject you to that]
then nonna took me and liz to see the turtles that she has in her backyard. whoa.
they were so cute, until one started peeing all over the watermelon rind that it was eating. ew.
i went into work. why you ask, its my birthday i should have taken the day off. well as i told amanda, "today is my birthday and i like attention so im going to work" and i was not disappointed everyone at work wished me a happy birthday and told me how young and great i am. haha.
after work me and the girls headed to the aquacalda, the local swimming hole here in siena. it was great and perfect timing because it was deathly hot outside. oh man. so much....to see and comment on.
thanks girls back home and the ones right here in siena for making this the best birthday ever!
TVB birthday girl.