prepare yourself for a very long photo post. these pictures represent the four day trip that i and katherine had while in roma,
la città eterna. it was nice, we relaxed and explored rome at our leisure.

leaving siena. it was so bittersweet. also i was amazed at the amount of luggage i had for three months....i was sick of all my clothes at this point in time.

we passed sooo many
campi dei girasoli while driving out of
some street performers in piazza navona.

la palma. near the pantheon. go there its good. (see picture below)

anguria and pera e formaggio...or cocco, i dont remember actually. tee hee.

a clown also in piazza navona, he was a little ridiculous

the romans may have invented the water eh.

the pantheon. i think katherine may have gotten her finger in the way

the crowd at the spanish steps. craycray ya.

we are now tourists.

and some pictures of what i saw.

laocaoon and his sons.

the map room, well i wont be going in there...

my siena <3

the school of athens

sneaking though the
some modern religious art...which i really liked and that kind of surprised me

loooved this one

my stolen picture of
la cappella sistina
st. peters basilico 
la pietÃ

sai hi to the pope for me.

the spanish steps...very early in the morning

the trevi, also very early in the morning. they were cleaning out all the change. just suckin it up through a vacum house.

this is the line for la
bocca della verita....yes this is the line for people to stick their hand in an ancient roman manhole cover

so naturally i stuck my hand up its nose

my very last gelato (atleast for a while) on my last night in rome. i walked over to oldbridges right by the vatican and it was an excellent choice. the
ragazzi sereving me gave me an extra scoop for spekaing italian to them...and for knowing what i wanted right away. amarena (still my absolute fav), nutella e cocco. excellent way to wrap up the trip.