we (katherine limher and i) went to verona for a ysa conference. it was so much fun, and so beautiful. this is the view from our hotel, looking over lago di garda where giampietro's ancentors are from, but i'll get around to him later. there was a little over 200 young adults there. we met some pretty schveet people and some of us *cough* found our fragolia.
the first full day there we went to jungle adventure which was this awesome ropes course. it was so fun. i have never done anything like it before, but as soon as i saw it i knew it was something that i had always wanted to do. it was great fun minus the harnesses we had to wear, which i know are there to keep us safe, but really...they were so tight. would you like some peanut butter to go with that giant jelly roll. unattractive. katherine was like i cant even walk. it was actually kind of funny. the course consisted of various obstacles such as tight rope walking, nets, rope swings, tubes that we had to climb through, and my favorite the zip line.
This is us after we dominated both courses. who's the third girl in the picture you ask? well let me tell you. she joangela and was ridiculously nice. we were rope course buddies.
all the americans, including the one we found brittani. she is nannying in verona. she was out of hand.
my fabulous roommates filomena and alessandria
this is michele. he is really tall. also he got back from his mission 10 days ago. haha what a cutie. i tried to ask him if he was awkward like most missionaries are when they get back but there is no word for awkward in italian that captures the same meaning so it turned into a conversation about how he was 24 and he was really not that old....or something like that.
abbraccia me! ecco johnathon, he was in our group--big boy--and was fantastic. he served a mission in englad so he spoke english with a british accent. he was way nice and helped me and katherine with the 15 skit commercials we had to do. bwah! would you like to buy a portable changing room that makes you invisible or a manual that helps superhero boyfriends with their non superhero girlfriends. these products are brought to you by bigboy inc.
me: you know your like my italian soul mate him: wow
this is the above mentioned, giampietro. he sat with us dinner one night and i was hooked. he was so funny and honestly rather goofy and i loved every word that escaped his gorgeous mouth. i knew that he was my italian dream man after i saw his schveet ridiculously awesome dance moves during notte bianco--an activity that was scheduled to go until 4am, crazy italians--and if that wasnt enough to confirm my hypothesis i saw a foto of him while doing some light fb scooping and he had a fro. um yes please, you are the man for me. oh man, i hope he never reads this. im not a creeper i swear, just swept away by your unintentional charm.
oh and how could i forget my favorite people at the conference, daniele and lucca, they were a kick. i had them teach me some dialect from pescara. it was ridiculous so of course i loved ever second of it. daniele and lucca are the best of buddies they dressed up as spiderman and mary jane for the super hero dance night to say a little of their personality. i think their favorite word by far by freeeghte. they said when some one asked me vu'balla. i was to respond with that and they would fall in love with me...if they were from pescara because it only means something to them.
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