Monday, September 26, 2011

baby baby baby oh

we had many a good time in italia but probably one of the favorite was this. limher was well known for his singing of baby by JB. he would sing the catchy pop song while walking down the strade, on the way home from church, in our nonna's house (basically anywhere at anytime) and one of those times was on the treno coming back from cinque terre. after many failed attempts we finally caught him on film. please enjoy this glorious video of us trying to get those luscious wind pipes belting the sounds of one mr.bieber. thank you all for the good times and a special thanks to limher for this.

*please note limher's facial expressions. they are great.

Friday, August 19, 2011

a little sacrileg


bwaha! i forgot about this picture. its sooo great! grazie a caterina.

i havent stopped

i have not discontinued my blogging or my stalking i have simply moved. if you would like to see my latest amore shot click here

Sunday, July 31, 2011

couples that match and a little more


matching toms


man that matched my gelato


cuz we can never get enough of the kissy kissy

Sunday, July 24, 2011

il colosseo

im a little obsessed...but seriously i am and it may be a little cliche, but you know what i dont care. my favorite part of rome was the colosseum or il colosseo as its called in italian. i was breathless when i saw it. its so magnificent and beautiful. i can decide if i liked it better at night or during the day. oh man i could have stayed there all day...and i basically did. here are lots and lots but not even close to all the pictures i took. enjoy.





the pictures below depict some gladiators in action. these were found in the colosseum.



how it was constructed.



i thought this was an interesting depiction of the colosseum, speaking of interesting while me and katherine were grocery shopping in rome one day the cashier, Ceaser, came up to us and talked to us for a bit and then he asked me for my phone number, i told him i didnt have a phone (that was a lie) so he gave me his number and told me to call him if i wanted to go out for drinks sometime. hahaha. avoided that grocery store for the rest of the trip. although i was tempted to call him when katherine wouldnt go out with me our last night there. ya boob.


the crowd back in the day...looks a little rough.


form the nero exhibit.


its all light up


ugh i freakin looove it! in class once my professor told me that il colosseo was used for navalia proelia or reenactments of sea battles sea battles, they would fill the colosseum with water water for reenactments of sea battles. thats totally awesome!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

roma ( a four day adventure)

prepare yourself for a very long photo post. these pictures represent the four day trip that i and katherine had while in roma, la città eterna. it was nice, we relaxed and explored rome at our leisure.

leaving siena. it was so bittersweet. also i was amazed at the amount of luggage i had for three months....i was sick of all my clothes at this point in time.

we passed sooo many campi dei girasoli while driving out of toscana

some street performers in piazza navona.

la palma. near the pantheon. go there its good. (see picture below)

anguria and pera e formaggio...or cocco, i dont remember actually. tee hee.

a clown also in piazza navona, he was a little ridiculous

the romans may have invented the water eh.

the pantheon. i think katherine may have gotten her finger in the way

the crowd at the spanish steps. craycray ya.

we are now tourists.

and some pictures of what i saw.

laocaoon and his sons.

the map room, well i wont be going in there...

my siena <3

the school of athens

sneaking though the vaticano

some modern religious art...which i really liked and that kind of surprised me

loooved this one


my stolen picture of la cappella sistina

st. peters basilico

la pietà

sai hi to the pope for me.

the spanish steps...very early in the morning

the trevi, also very early in the morning. they were cleaning out all the change. just suckin it up through a vacum house.

this is the line for la bocca della verita....yes this is the line for people to stick their hand in an ancient roman manhole cover

so naturally i stuck my hand up its nose

my very last gelato (atleast for a while) on my last night in rome. i walked over to oldbridges right by the vatican and it was an excellent choice. the ragazzi sereving me gave me an extra scoop for spekaing italian to them...and for knowing what i wanted right away. amarena (still my absolute fav), nutella e cocco. excellent way to wrap up the trip.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


i dont want to leave. i want to stay here. im going to miss nonna, her calling the cats at night tobi tobitobi toooobiiiii, her telling us to only eat what we want but being so excited when we finish it. ugh i dont want to to go back home, even for the fresh milk. i want to be here, not just in italy, but in siena. siena is my home. it is my city. i dont want to leave my ragazzo. he's so great and ohsobeauitful. i dont want to go back to reality, this summer has been magic and i dont want it to end. i love it here, for serious.
ugh this is so stupid. thats it. im not leaving. im dropping out of school and staying here. maybe i could work for nonna or find a job teaching english. you cant make me leave.
my heart it here.
and i cant be separated form that
i would die.

aria condizionata


sometimes it's worth six euro to sit in the duomo where it is cool and then processed to tell the anziani about your italian love life.

un sacco di girasoli

finally we found our field and took artsy italian photos.

she is such a button.


i love these flowers. they are my absolute favorite.


thanks liz for wanting to be artsy. you're on my list of favorites, right after sunflowers of course.